
This page shows previous posts, recently updated with additional info, links or videos. To read all new posts, please use the Home menu.

馃搫 08-Dec-23 Windscale's Fatal Race for the Bomb - added podcast from The Guardian about security problems at Sellafield site.
馃搫 08-Feb-23 Crypto Box Challenge Solved by George Lasry - George decrypted secret letters from Mary, Queen of Scots. Link CNN.
馃搫 28-Jan-23 Peace Ambassador in the Cold War - podcast about Samanth Smith with childhood friends, Soviet buddy, Robert Wagner
馃搫 25-Jan-23 Cuban Numbers Stations and Spies - release of Ana Belen Montes from prison, added podcast Code Name Blue Wren.
馃搫 14-Jan-23 Martha Peterson and TRIGON - added two-part interview with Marti Peterson at Cold War Conversations podcast.
馃搫 16-Nov-22 The Cold War Vogelsang Twins - added video Eifel National Park, former NS-Ordenburg and Vogelsang training area.
馃搫 20-Dec-21 Operation Tinker Bell Anniversary - added 1964 & today photo, taken by participant who visited one of the locations.
馃搫 14-Dec-21 Russia鈥檚 Modern Early Warning Systems - splitted satellites and Voronezh OTH radar into new detailed 14 Dec post.
馃搫 13-Dec-21 Mysterious Cold War Signals - added early warning 校小-袣小 and 校小-袣MO satellites, Voronezh OTH radar.
馃搫 15-Apr-21 USS Pueblo Incident - added link to Wilson Center post  "A Reckless Act" about consequence for North Korea.
馃搫 20-Mar-21 The Radio Security Service - added docu "Wartime Radio: The Secret Listeners" about WWII RSS radio interceptors.
馃搫 11-Mar-21 The Cold War Vogelsang Twins - added docu video "Lenin in Vogelsang" Russians and Germans living together (incl subtitles).
馃搫 18-Feb-21 Electronic Intelligence at NSA - added NSA paper about Telemetry Intelligence (TELINT) during the Cold War.
馃搫 16-Feb-21 Heinz Felfe - added three German news articles on Felfe, who spied for KGB. Translation links included.
馃搫 15-Feb-21 Camp Century - Greenland Going Nuclear - added video of the 1968 crash of B-52 with four nuclear bombs in Thule.
馃搫 14-Feb-21 Tracking Cold War Signals - added more details, drawing and image of the Wullenweber in Denmark.
馃搫 06-Feb-21 Cold War Radio Jamming - included documentary about the jamming of Western radio broadcasts stations by the USSR.
馃搫 05-Feb-21 Dead End: The Road to Afghanistan - more details Amin's coup, Soviet intervention and return of Karmal and new video.
馃搫 28-Jan-21 Radio Moscow and the Cold War - added more details career of legendary radio host Joe Adamov and audio samples.
馃搫 23-Jan-21 The Berlin Tunnel - added Steve Vogel's podcast on Cold War Conversations and Spy Museum video on the Berlin tunnel.
馃搫 12-Jan-21 Radio Moscow and the Cold War - added Voice of America broadcast on assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
馃搫 04-Jan-21 USS Pueblo Incident - added paper by Robert Derencin, "USS Pueblo, John Walker and KGB".
馃搫 24-Dec-20 OXCART and ELINT Research - added info source of titanium for A-12/SR-71, videos production and machining.
馃搫 14-Dec-20 Mysterious Cold War Signals - added more details on Duga radar, links, image Duga range,videos Chernobyl-2.
馃搫 06-Dec-20 OXCART and ELINT Research - added video incident SR-71 blackbird lost engine and was saved by Swedish Air Force.
馃搫 28-Nov-20 Martha Peterson and TRIGON - added video CIA's Jonna Mendez about techniques to evade KGB surveillance in Moscow.
馃搫 22-Nov-20 U.S. Spy Ring betrayed by Defecting SVR Colonel - new details, links and BBC video on SVR Colonel. Alexander Poteyev.
馃搫 18-Nov-20 Noor Inayat Khan - added info London blue plaque and documentary BBC Timewatch馃搫 18-Nov-20 Cuban Numbers Stations and Spies - added second video with interviews of several former colleagues of Ana Montes.
馃搫 16-Nov-20 Spies end Numbers - The Kendall Myers Case - added podcast with Robert Booth and video documentary on Myers.
馃搫 10-Nov-20 Estonian Spy Scandal - added the documentary about the Estonian spy Herman Simm including interviews with Simm.
馃搫 06-Nov-20 Field Station Berlin - Teufelsberg - added link story FSB veteran, video FSB with former U.S Army analyst and a fly-by video.
馃搫 31-Oct-20 OXCART and ELINT Research - added more about A-12 variants, later research and added Bill Flanagan's presentation.
馃搫 28-Oct-20 Markus Wolf - The Man Without A Face - added links to a two part documentary about Markus Wolf.
馃搫 03-Oct-20 Camp Century - Greenland Going Nuclear - added four podcasts that also have additional photos on their website.
馃搫 02-Oct-20 Aldrich Ames - added video interview with Dell Spry, the lead investigator in the Ames case.
馃搫 12-Sep-20 1983 - The Brink Of Apocalypse - added new photos, extern and internal links and new link docu video Able Archer 83.
馃搫 12-Sep-20 Igor Gouzenko - The Man Who Revealed the Cold War - added video lecture Gouzenko Affair by Andrew Kavchak.
馃搫 06-Sep-20 U.S. Strategic Intelligence on the USSR - added images and video links to Soviet SS-18 Satan and U.S. Titan II missiles.
馃搫 06-Sep-20 The Military Liaison Mission - added documentary Real Cold War Spies of BRIXMIS.
馃搫 05-Sep-20 Romeo Spy John Symonds - added sexpionage Cold War Spy documentary.
馃搫 30-Aug-20 FAPSI - Russia's SIGINT Agency - added the dissolving of FAPSI into several other ser vices.
馃搫 30-Aug-20 3 Seconds from World War 3 - added new links and documentary on Stanislav Petrov

Many more old post have been updated before this update page was created. Use the Home menu or Search page to read all existing posts.