Sunday, December 09, 2007

Enigma Simulator for MAC OS

A beautiful simulator is now available for MAC OS. It's written by Terry Long, a young student, and has all the nuts and bolts it needs.

The rotors with their ring settings, the plugboard, even the Schreibmax add-on, the device that printed the output on a paper ribbon, and sound effects. The program also incorporates a clipboard function and exporting text to a file. Terry has done a great job on this simulator and I'm glad that, from now on, MAC users can also enjoy this notorious cipher machine.

Enigma is the most famous example of the battle between codemakers and codebreakers and shows the importance of cryptography to military and civil intelligence. The Enigma simulator for MAC OS is available for download at Terry's Website.

Windows users can download the original Enigma sim, available as freeware on my Cipher Machines & Cryptology website.

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