Operation Tinker Bell is a spy case that you solve using cryptography. The year is 1964 and Operation Tinker Bell takes place at the height of the Cold War. You are assigned to the operation as COMSEC officer, and your task is to decrypt the message traffic between intelligence agencies, their stations abroad and agents in the field. All required crypto tools, keys and clear instructions are provided. You get the proper training to work with the TSEC/KL-7 crypto machine, decrypt numbers station broadcasts, and use one-time pad encryption.
You experience spy tradecraft, operations behind the Iron Curtain, illegal border crossings, fake passports and safe houses. CIA transmitter sites in West Germany provide support, and the dreaded East-German Stasi and Czech StB secret police are some of your opponents. British intelligence helps to arrange clandestine meetings, the U.S. Army Security Agency provides SIGINT support and some USMLM operations don't take the rules of engagement too seriously.
The Cold War at its best, with authentic details, many historical photos, and as real as it gets. If you successfully decrypt all messages, your name is engraved in the Wall of Honor. However, this operation is no walk in the park, and failure is not an option. Read up on the operation in the briefing room, and be prepared.
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